Publication Information


Scientific committee


Dr Embolo Elisée, EcoClean Environnement /  Ministère de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'Innovation


Dr. Marie-Claire Ndongo - Catholic University of Central Africa, Cameroon


Prof. Jean-Luc Mbarga - Institute of Research for Development (IRD), Cameroon


Dr. Fatima Hassan - University of N'Djamena, Chad


Prof. Carlos Djibrine - National Center for Scientific and Technological Research (CNRST), Chad


Dr. Amina Gbabiri - University of Bangui, Central African Republic


Prof. Oscar Zoundeiko - Pasteur Institute of Bangui, Central African Republic


Dr. Sofia Bokassa - University of Douala, Cameroon


Prof. Ahmed Al-Sayed Djimrangar - Adam Barka University of Abéché, Chad


Dr. Thomas Ngamakou - University of Dschang, Cameroon

Editorial board members


 Prof. Adebayo Okoro Ifunya

 Institution: EcoClean Environment Company, Nigeria

 Position: Professor of Environmental Science

 Expertise: Environmental education, sustainable development, climate change education

 Profile: Prof. Adebayo is a renowned environmental scientist with extensive research experience in environmental education and sustainable development. He has published numerous articles in international journals and has been a key advocate for environmental education in Nigeria.




Dr Ndjib Rosette christelle

Institution: Center for Research on medicinal plants and traditional medicine, Cameroon

Position: Research Officer

Expertise: botany, ecology, biodiversity, environmental science, ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, and traditional medicine

Profile: Dr. Ndjib specializes in botany, ecology, biodiversity, environmental science, ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, and traditional medicine. His expertise encompasses the study of plants, ecosystems, and the interactions between humans and the natural world. She is also actively involved in collaborative research projects with international institutions and participates in field studies to collect and analyze data. She contributes to the development of sustainable practices and policies that promote the conservation of plant species, the protection of the environment, and the preservation of traditional knowledge.

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Dr Embolo Enyegue Elisée Libert

 Institution: EcoClean Environment, Cameroon

 Position:  Researcher at the Institute for Training and Research for Development and Lecturer at the School of Sanitary Engineering in Yaoundé

Expertise: toxicology and environmental impact

Profile: Dr Embolo Enyegue Elisée Libert is a specialist in toxicology and environmental impact. His expertise includes the assessment of toxic risks and environmental impacts, waste management, prevention of health risks, regulatory and compliance advice, as well as research and innovation in toxicology. He contributes to protecting public health and the environment by identifying, evaluating, and managing risks associated with toxic substances. His work is essential for the implementation of sustainable and safe policies and practices.




Dr Willy Dima

Institution: International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications (ICMPA, UNESCO chair)/University of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin.

 Position: Specialized Research Station on Marine Ecosysterms (SS-ECOMA),  IRAD - Kribi, Cameroon.

Expertise: Physical oceanography

Profile: Dr Willy Dima specializes in physical oceanography. His expertise includes the study of ocean currents, waves, tides, and the physical properties of seawater. His research focuses on understanding the dynamics of ocean circulation, the role of the ocean in climate variability, and the impacts of ocean processes on marine ecosystems. He employs advanced numerical models and observational techniques to investigate oceanic phenomena and their interactions with the atmosphere and land.



Dr Mvogo Ottou Patrice Brice 

Institution: The university of Douala

 Position: Senior lecturer in ecology and Botany

Expertise: Botany and ecology

Profile: Dr  Mvogo Ottou Patrice specializes in ethics, botany, ecology, and environmental science. His expertise encompasses ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, phytomedicine, bioremediation, and water pollution. He ensures that all research activities adhere to the highest ethical standards, including informed consent, data integrity, and the protection of human and animal subjects. He explores the ethical implications of environmental policies and practices, advocating for sustainable and just approaches to resource management and conservation.


Section Editors



Institution: Geological and Mining Research Institute / Research Center on Water and Climate Change, IRGM/CRECC, MINRESI, Cameroon

Position: Researcher for the Geochemical Water Analysis Laboratory

Expertise: Hydrologist / Geomatics Engineer

Profile: Specializes in hydrology and geomatics engineering. His expertise encompasses the study of water resources, hydrological processes, and the application of geospatial technologies to environmental and engineering problems.

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Copy Editors


Dr Essome Bang Gabel

Institution : Institute of fisheries and Aquatic Sciences/University of Douala.

Position: Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Bioecology, Aquaculture, and Environmental Science

Expertise: Bioecology, Aquaculture, and Environment

Profile: Dr. Essome specializes in bioecology, aquaculture, and environmental science. His expertise encompasses the study of biological interactions within ecosystems, the sustainable cultivation of aquatic organisms, and the environmental impacts of human activities.




Belinga Essama Boum Raphael

Institution: Local Materials Promotion Authority

Position: Research officer

Expertise: Geology of sedimentary basins, Geomorphology

Profile: He specializes in the geology of sedimentary basins and geomorphology. His expertise includes the study of sedimentary processes, basin analysis, landscape evolution, and the interaction between geological processes and surface forms.  investigates the processes involved in the formation, deposition, and diagenesis of sedimentary rocks. His research focuses on understanding the dynamics of sedimentary environments and the factors that control sedimentation. He studies the geomorphological aspects of natural hazards, such as landslides, erosion, and floods, and contributes to the development of strategies for hazard mitigation and risk management.


Statistical editor


Nembot Fomba Christian Gaele

Institution: African Institute For Mathematical Science (AIMS), Cameroon

Position: Senior research assistant aims, CAMEROON

Expertise:  Biostatistics- Phytopathology-Plant Epidemiology

Profile: Dr. Nembot specializes in biostatistics, phytopathology, and plant epidemiology. His expertise includes the application of statistical methods to biological data, the study of plant diseases, and the epidemiology of plant pathogens. He has a strong academic background with a PhD and a track record of publications in reputable journals.

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